Posted inOilfield Services List

Top-30-Oilfield-Services-Companies-2018-07. Schneider Electric

French energy management and automation specialist Schneider Electric is this year’s big mover. The firm has major clients in the region including working with ADNOC on its impressive Panorama Control Centre at its Abu Dhabi HQ and helping to smart train the Kuwait Oil Company’s employees via its EYESIM virtual reality technology. Its deal to […]

Posted inOilfield Services List

Top-30-Oilfield-Services-Companies-2018-15. ADES International Holding

London listed ADES International Holding is an oil and gas drilling and production services provider offering offshore and onshore contract drilling, as well as workover and mobile offshore production unit services. This new entry borrowed $450mn earlier this year to partly fund acquisitions. It paid $287mn for Weatherford’s land drilling rig operations in Saudi Arabia, […]

Posted inOilfield Services List

Top-30-Oilfield-Services-Companies-2018-27. Tendeka

Last October, the Kuwait Oil Company contracted Tendeka to use its Inflow Control Device (ICD) technology to enhance production through more effective reservoir management in 55 horizontal wells in northern Kuwait. ADNOC Onshore and PDO have also awarded Tendeka deals to employ its inflow control technologies, including its FloSure Autonomous ICD. ADNOC will deploy the […]