Posted inEnergy Transition

UK’s Prince Charles highlights “dangerously narrow” window for green recovery

Prince Charles said that "the kingdom's global leadership in energy transition is critically important".

The UK’s Prince Charles addressed the Saudi Green Initiative Forum in Riyadh, noting the importance of cleaner energy and the need for a green recovery. “At last, and after far too long, climate change and biodiversity loss are clear global challenges of paramount importance to the world,” HRH the Prince of Wales said. “At the […]

Posted inProducts & Services

Mit-PFN Energy Co. and PGS to develop AI solutions for subsurface structure analysis

PGS will contribute seismic data from its global MultiClient data library along with technical expertise. and Mit-PFN Energy Co. will lead the AI algorithmic development

Mit-PFN Energy Co. and PGS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly develop and commercialize Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven solutions to image subsurface structures. Analysis of subsurface images is required across the energy sector including oil and gas, carbon capture and storage, as well as in areas of the renewable energy sector, such […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

KSA Crown Prince sets national net zero emissions goal for 2060

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud has launched the first set of Saudi Green Initiatives

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, the Head of the Higher Committee for the Saudi Green Initiative (SGI), launched the first set of SGI environmental initiatives at its inaugural annual forum. SGI will also monitor the impact of initiatives that have been previously announced. In his opening remarks, HRH the Crown Prince announced a […]

Posted inProducts & Services

National Marine Dredging Company reports $136.4 million net profit for 9M 2021

NMDC counted revenue of $1.46 billion for the nine months starting January 2021

National Marine Dredging Company (NMDC) reported a significant increase in net profit of $136.4 million (AED 501 million) for the nine months from January to September 2021. The profitable third quarter performance followed the integration of NMDC and National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC) to become a regional leader in providing integrated oil & gas and […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Dubai takes steps forward on energy circular economy

The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy has launched the Circular Economy Committee, which will bring public and private entities together to boost the circular economy

The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy launched the Circular Economy Committee, which aims to bring private and public entities together to push cleaner energy applications, according to a statement posted by UAE state news agency WAM. “We aim to develop and launch innovative tools and initiatives in collaboration with our strategic partners to promote the […]

Posted inProducts & Services

Petrofac: The real punishment will come from the Middle East

Jonathan Fisher QC writes that Petrofac's real punishment has been served in the Middle East, not in London

The recent fine imposed on Petrofac by a criminal court in London for corrupt dealings is intended to send a clear message to the business community. But the real punishment suffered by the company has been inflicted by the impact of its conduct on its commercial dealings. Instead of benignly acquiescing in the receipt of […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Natural gas is the answer to energy crunch and transition

Yury Sentyurin, Secretary General of the GECF, commented on the role of gas in the energy transition at the Russian Energy Week

The current energy crunch around the world and the intensifying climate change debate serve to highlight the serious need to embed natural gas as part of a long-term solution to energy market stability and transition, HE Yury Sentyurin, Secretary General of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) said at the Russian Energy Week (REW). On […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Gas to drive realistic energy transition

HE Yury Sentyurin, Secretary General of the GECF, comments on the role of gas in the energy transition

With such significant events as the G20 Environment, Climate and Energy Ministerial Meeting, the first ever UN High-level Dialogue on Energy and the two-years-long awaited UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow, United Kingdom next month, 2021 has been dubbed as a year that will ‘make it or break it’ on climate action. Coming on the back of […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Exclusive Q&A: Engineering the energy transition

Rachel Clingman, McDermott’s Executive Vice President of Sustainability and Governance at McDermott, answers our questions about engineering the energy transition

What are McDermott’s priorities in relation to the energy transition?We have a number of priorities based on the belief that multiple avenues will be needed to decarbonize capital infrastructure at scale and at the pace required while maintaining accessibility and affordability. We are actively partnering with clients and other innovators in five areas where we […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Upstream oil and gas: record cash flows and peak uncertainty

The energy transition has upset the outlook and changed the rules of the game for the industry, Wood Mackenzie says

Wood Mackenzie’s Global Energy Summit Upstream Focus Day has addressed some of the biggest issues facing the industry. How will the upstream industry use an incoming US$1 trillion price windfall? Should Asian governments be doing more to resuscitate declining gas production? And what is the future for exploration in this region?  In previous upcycles the […]