Posted inEnergy Transition

Dubai takes steps forward on energy circular economy

The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy has launched the Circular Economy Committee, which will bring public and private entities together to boost the circular economy

The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy launched the Circular Economy Committee, which aims to bring private and public entities together to push cleaner energy applications, according to a statement posted by UAE state news agency WAM.

“We aim to develop and launch innovative tools and initiatives in collaboration with our strategic partners to promote the adoption of the circular economy model across different sectors and ensure its application according to methodologies that link all effective players,” said Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, vice chairman of the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy.

The circular economy involves finding new applications for production by-products and ‘waste’ products, so they retain value for as long as possible. The newly-formed committee would develop actionable initiatives to grow current applications and to introduce international best practices to improve existing initiatives.

“The UAE attaches great importance to achieving sustainable and effective use of natural resources by transitioning to a green economy and increasing the share of clean and renewable energy sources…. [Circular economy] priorities include infrastructure, sustainable transportation, manufacturing, food production and consumption,” he added.

Al Tayer noted that the committee would also support startups and “develop the capabilities” of entrepreneurs in this space.