Posted inEnergy Transition

Dubai takes steps forward on energy circular economy

The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy has launched the Circular Economy Committee, which will bring public and private entities together to boost the circular economy

The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy launched the Circular Economy Committee, which aims to bring private and public entities together to push cleaner energy applications, according to a statement posted by UAE state news agency WAM. “We aim to develop and launch innovative tools and initiatives in collaboration with our strategic partners to promote the […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Is the circular economy transition fast enough?

Only 12.1% see digital technologies as a key driver of circular economy transformation

Recent survey by DNV and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) reveals that circular economy is rising on corporate agendas across geographies. Despite the growing attention in the public, among legislators and companies, the shift to ‘circular economy‘ business models that design waste out of the system seems to progress slowly.  “So far, growing […]