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Fossil fuels are clean hydrogen’s ally

Perhaps it sounds like an unlikely match: fossil fuel experts helping drive the growth of clean hydrogen, a market some call the “new oil of the 21st century.” But alliances actually make sense.

The Middle East’s crown as the world’s historical epicenter of fossil fuels – notably gas and oil – was hard won through decades of building expertise in infrastructure, trade, and talent. Now, in the global push for a greener future, all this knowledge is transferable to the very infant market of clean hydrogen. Fossil fuel […]

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Examining the Middle East as a hydrogen hub

Oil & Gas Middle East’s first hydrogen thinktank series discussed the challenges ahead for hydrogen adoption, including difficulties in categorisation and the competition between blue and green hydrogen

Climate change and the energy transition have been top of the agenda for the energy industry, with discussions at the COP26 summit in Glasgow, and ADIPEC 2021 focusing heavily on how to move to a lower carbon future. A recurring topic in these discussions has been hydrogen, be it green, blue, or any of the […]

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Aramco-sponsored hydrogen truck enters Dakar Rally

The truck was developed by French manufacturer Gaussin

The first hydrogen-fuelled racing truck was introduced to the Dakar Rally on Saturday. The truck is sponsored by Saudi Arabian energy giant Aramco and developed by French manufacturer Gaussin. “This is a milestone in the development of hydrogen as a lower-carbon fuel and the first time a hydrogen truck has entered the Dakar Rally,” Ahmad […]

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Mitsubishi Power ships natural gas power plants to UAE

The plant will the the largest natural gas fired gas turbine combines cycle (GTCC) facility in the UAE

Mitsubishi Power announced Thursday that it had shipped three M701JAC gas turbines to the Fujairah F3 power plant in the UAE from its Takasago Machinery Works in Hyogo Prefecture. The plant will the the largest natural gas fired gas turbine combines cycle (GTCC) facility in the UAE. “This project is the first in the Middle […]

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The uneven, uncertain future for energy

Shell Chief Energy Adviser Peter Wood explains to Oil & Gas Middle East the outlook for the energy industry's transition to renewables

The energy transition and the fight against climate change are big, bold ideas that have consistently been making their way up the table in terms of importance among policy makers, industry stakeholders, and the general public.  While industry leaders across the board are investing in climate action initiatives, disagreements persist around how to decarbonise effectively […]

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UAE could export green hydrogen to Europe in future: EU official

The UAE is home to a large amount of potential solar power, which means that the potential for producing green, renewable hydrogen, is particularly high

The UAE has the capability to become an exporter of renewable hydrogen to Europe in the future, according to a top EU official. The UAE is home to a large amount of potential solar power, which means that the potential for producing green, renewable hydrogen, is particularly high. “What is important for us, in addition […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Major energy exporters race to lead in global hydrogen trade

Global hydrogen demand could rise by six-fold to 530 Mt in 2050

The time is ripe for the world’s major energy exporters to accelerate the energy transition, and mastering the hydrogen trade could make a difference, says Wood Mackenzie, a Verisk business (Nasdaq:VRSK).   The global energy market was worth an eye-watering US$2 trillion in 2020, contributing to more than 9 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

QatarEnergy and H2Korea to cooperate on hydrogen projects

This is part of a series of agreements recently signed by QatarEnergy expanding its international presence

QatarEnergy and Korea’s Hydrogen Convergence Alliance (H2Korea) signed an agreement to cooperate on hydrogen projects. The agreement provides a framework of cooperation between developing hydrogen energy sectors in both countries, and to share ideas and specific plans to encourage the growth of the hydrogen industry and the expansion of the hydrogen energy supply, in addition […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

QatarEnergy and Shell to partner on UK hydrogen projects

QatarEnergy and Shell signed their first agreement surrounding hydrogen on the sidelines of the UK Global Investment Summit

QatarEnergy and Shell have signed an agreement to pursue joint investments in blue and green hydrogen projects in the United Kingdom. The partners will target integrated and scalable opportunities in key sectors where hydrogen could help decarbonize, especially around industrial cluster development and also for the transport sector, with a focus on the London metropolitan […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Hydrogen must take centre stage at COP26

Having net zero targets are increasingly common and hugely important, but COP26 must go far beyond setting new emissions targets

Hydrogen is likely to play a crucial role in the pursuit of energy transition over the coming years. However, the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow in November will be the acid test that determines whether involved players are now prepared to put their words into action. Having net zero targets are […]

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