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Khalid Al-Falih

Al-Falih, who has held the top spot at Aramco since 1 January 2009, sits at the head of the largest oil company by value in the world. With a workforce of around 60,000, crude oil reserves of 260 billion barrels of oil and revenues of between $2 and $7 trillion in 2010, the superlatives just […]

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Hussain Al-Sharistani

Iraq’s rise to become one of the most dominant players in the regional energy sector over the coming decades is a widely anticipated trend within the industry. There are still some major challenges ahead for Al-Sharistani, such as the development of a fully functioning energy infrastructure. But a recent IEA special report projected that Iraq […]

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Ali bin Ibrahim Al-Naimi

A few words from Al-Naimi can move global oil markets. The Saudi Oil minister commands the largest volume of spare oil producing capacity in the world. It’s become trite to say that, whoever chairs OPEC, it’s Saudi – via Al-Naimi – that calls the shots. Al-Naimi holds years of experience in the industry, having worked […]

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Abdullah Nasser al-Suwaidi

Abdullah Nasser al-Suwaid’s appointment as director general of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nayan, President of the United Arab Emirates, came at a crucial time for the company. ADNOC is currently looking to renegotiate long-running key contracts with supermajors operating its major oil fields. ExxonMobil, Shell, […]

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Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Sada

HE Dr. Mohammed bin Saleh Al-Sada has been appointed as the Minister of Energy & Industry, State of Qatar. He is also the Managing Director of Qatar Petroleum and Chairman of Tasweeq. Al-Sada was the Managing Director of RasGas Company Limited (RasGas) and the subsidiary companies it operates. Al-Sada, who was educated in Manchester, England, […]

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Sami Al Rushaid

This year, the KOC was actively awarding contracts to a number of companies including a $200 million EPC contract to Petrofac to bolster Kuwait’s North onshore oil infrastructure by improving power supply. In September the Kuwait Oil Company, announced that it would continue producing at 3million bpd, with demand for Kuwait’s oil remaining high. According […]

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Ashti Hawrami

The Kurdistan region is currently one of the most heavily explored areas in the world. Resolution of current conflicts between the KRGF and the federal government would allow the region to produce between 500,000 to 800,000 bpd in 2020 and between 750,000 to 1.2 million bpd by 2035, marking a considerable shift in Iraq’s output. […]

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Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy

Through Al Rumhy’s leadership, Oman has managed to reverse field decline and is now producing 17% more oil than it was in 2007. The Minister has strategically managed to develop the national oil industry despite a 27% drop in production between 2001 and 2009. Under his leadership, Oman’s oil and gas company, Oman LNG, has […]

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Abdul Kareem Al-Luaibi

Appointed to the job in 2010, Al-Luaibi has worked with the Ministry of Oil since 1998 where he moved from Chief Engineer of the Technical Department to Director of Chemical Materials to Assistant Director General, Inspector General and then the deputy Minister position before being appointed to his current role in December 2010. Needless to […]

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Ali Rashid Al-Jarwan

Ali Rashid Al-Jarwan is central to Abu Dhabi’s ambitious field development plans. The CEO of ADMA-OPCO, 60% owned by ADNOC, is planning to increase production capacity at Abu Dhabi’s offshore fields by 14.2% to 700,000 barrels per day by the end of 2014. The Lower Zakum field is slated by Jawan to add 100,000 bpd […]