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Bob Dudley

The environmental and human cost of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico, alongside the oil price collapse in 2014, has meant some tough decisions for BP’s New York born leader. The firm has cut costs by selling billions of dollars worth of assets yet despite this, its credit rating has risen to […]

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Ben Van Beurden

Shell is pretty much a shoe-in for our top ten − a huge supermajor with true global reach. But the past year has been about divestment rather than investment and, as a consequence, it slips perilously close to the top ten’s trap door. However, with a $30bn sell-off nearing completion, the future could more about […]

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Wang Yilin

It’s says a lot about the scale and potential of the firms ranked above Wang Yilin’s China National Petroleum Company that this titan of East Asia still doesn’t break into our top ten – but don’t be surprised if it does so soon. CNPC generates 52% of China’s crude oil and 71% of its natural […]

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Darren W. Woods

“Rex who?” might be a phrase heard in the C-suite offices at ExxonMobil’s HQ in Irving, Texas. When Darren Woods took over as CEO, he promised to ramp up the firm’s exploration activities. Last month, the firm announced it had added 2.7bn barrels to its reserves, replacing 183% of 2017’s production with significant finds in […]

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Jabar Al Luaibi

At times, it seems Iraq’s Oil Minister Jabar Al Luaibi, runs the country’s hydrocarbon industry single-handedly such is his visibility. But a vote last month to revive the National Oil Company could dilute some of his influence. Al Luaibi has had to strategise exploration, award contracts and increase capacity in spite of outages due to […]

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Vagit Alekperov

When a firm’s CEO is the sixth richest person in Russia and the 74th richest in the world, you’d be entitled to think the company in question might pack a punch. Lukoil is one of Russia’s biggest outfits and a top ten global oil firm with daily production above 2mn bpd but its presence, like […]

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Dr Patrick Allman-Ward

It’s been a mixed year for Dana’s Allman-Ward. The firm has endured a legal battle over the redemption of a $700mn sukuk, but it has enjoyed a windfall of hundreds of millions of dollars following an agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq and Dana’s parent firm Pearl Petroleum over activities carried out in […]

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Majid Jafar

Optimism has been the by-word for Sharjah’s Crescent Petroleum recently. In February, the firm revealed plans to boost gas production at its Khor Mor and Chemchemal fields in northern Iraq, which it operates alongside Sharjah affiliate Dana Gas as part of Pearl Petroleum. But Crescent also has aspirations to tap the lucrative oil and gas […]