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Milan based Saipem has a presence in 66 countries around the world and a backlog pushing $15bn, so its sheer scale is going to keep it at the business end of any EPC power list. The firm’s most eye-catching upstream deal in the past year has to be its offshore contract variations worth $900mn for […]

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San Francisco’s Bechtel Corporation is the biggest construction firm in the US accruing revenue of almost $33bn last year. It has landed some big downstream deals in Egypt and also has an EPC contract for BP’s West Nile Delta onshore gas processing terminal but its most eye-catching deal came in February when it was awarded […]

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This subsea umbilicals, risers and flowlines (SURF) specialist purchased Emas Chiyoda Subsea (ECS) last year to increase its presence in the Middle East, as ECS has three on-going projects in Saudi Arabia alongside L&T, including offshore platforms for Aramco. The firm has also completed a subsea EPCI contract offshore Egypt for a BP joint venture […]

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Fluor has been providing EPC expertise in the Arabian Gulf for decades and it remains a major player in the downstream sector with large-scale projects in Kuwait and a recent win in Egypt. But its upstream presence is minimal and consequently it is slipping down our rankings. Its main contract is a PMC with the […]

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Bonatti Group

One of several Italian firms, including fellow EPC outfit Saipem and supermajor Eni, that has a presence at the vast Zohr gas field offshore Egypt. Bonatti won an electrical and instrumentation contract last November and this followed a similar award to its subsidiary Carlo Gavazzi Egypt from Bechtel a few months before. The firm has […]