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The Middle East’s inherent energy transition advantage

Oil & Gas Middle East caught up with Siemens Energy’s Head of New Energy Business MEA, Manuel Kuehn, for a discussion on where the Middle East stands as a hub for the energy transition

Is the energy industry doing enough to embrace sustainability and the energy transition? I think the energy industry is doing a lot, whether it’s going to be enough, other people will evaluate sooner or later, and we will see if we achieve our climate goals or not, but what I see is an incredible momentum […]

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The Middle East’s inherent energy transition advantage

Oil & Gas Middle East caught up with Siemens Energy’s Head of New Energy Business MEA, Manuel Kuehn, for a discussion on where the Middle East stands as a hub for the energy transition

Is the energy industry doing enough to embrace sustainability and the energy transition? I think the energy industry is doing a lot, whether it’s going to be enough, other people will evaluate sooner or later, and we will see if we achieve our climate goals or not, but what I see is an incredible momentum […]

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Arabian Business partners with Autodesk to host panel discussion on digital transformation accelerating the future of work

Arabian Business will partner with Autodesk on Friday, March 25th at the USA Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai for a morning of discussions around digital transformation accelerating the future of work and the impact of sustainability and Economic Social Governance (ESG) across industries. An exclusive event, by-invitation only, the morning of panel discussions will take place […]

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Egypt as the Middle East’s next energy hub

Kamal Al-Sawi, President, Kuwait Energy Egypt discusses the role that the North African country can play as an energy hub on the sidelines of EGYPS 2022

Can you talk to me about Kuwait Energy Egypt’s role inside the Egyptian energy ecosystem as the country seeks its aspirations of becoming a regional energy hub? From the investment and the commercial side of business we are actually very active in our investment in Egypt since inception. We were one of the first companies […]

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Business models to nurture innovation in the energy transition

Companies need to consider the conditions that they need to cultivate if they are to innovate and produce the technologies needed for a low-carbon future

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include ambitious energy conversion efficiency targets and to significantly accelerate the deployment of renewable energy by 2030. Along with the Paris Agreement, these international frameworks for action show that the transformation of the energy sector is critical if we are to meet our sustainability targets. Fortunately, technology to […]

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The critical role partnerships play in the future of the energy industry

Azim Akhmadkhadjaev, First Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Energy in Uzbekistan spoke with Oil & Gas Middle East about how his country handled the pandemic, the role of gas in the energy transition, and the importance of cultivating partnerships for growth

How did the country’s gas sector fare during the pandemic? In 2020, natural gas production decreased by 12%. However, Uzbekistan recovered from this pandemic-induced drop during 2021, achieving more than 95% of pre-pandemic output. Overall, Uzbekistan’s economy was one of the few posting positive growth (1.7%) during the pandemic year. Considering almost the entire volume […]

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The Middle East’s role in a net zero future

The Middle East region will continue to be hugely important as an energy player even after the world transitions away from hydrocarbons, Gavin Towler, VP and CTO, Honeywell told Oil & Gas Middle East

The Middle East region is “hugely important” both throughout the energy transition and afterwards, Gavin Towler, the VP and CTO of American conglomerate Honeywell says. Currently, countries across the region are making big bets on the future of energy, often to the tune of billions of dollars. Headline grabbing investments include Saudi Arabia’s $5 billion […]

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Decarbonisation in the manufacturing sector: Tangible results and outlook

We live in a unique time when the interests of business and sustainability no longer contradict each other

Over the past decade, industrial companies have taken a leap forward in their sustainable development. We live in a unique time when the interests of business and sustainability no longer contradict each other. This has been made possible because businesses have found ways to turn environmental performance into business opportunities. Severstal’s long-term priorities are to […]

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Natural gas demand will increase 46% in 2050, GECF says in new report

Global demand will increase as natural gas and renewables lead the energy transition, the group said

Global natural gas demand will rise by 46% from 3,840 billion cubic metres (bcm) in 2020 to 5,625 bcm in 2050, the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) said in a report released Monday. The report, titled Global Gas Outlook 2050, also found that the Asia Pacific region, Middle East, and Africa would responsible for the […]