Posted inNews

Opinion: How Middle East oil companies should respond to higher oil prices

The recent surge in the oil price is an opportunity for National Oil Companies (NOCs) in the Middle East to reinforce their commitment to transformation. For the moment, profits are plentiful and providing ample funding to their host governments’ budgets. However, the long term pressure on the oil price remains significant and there are no […]

Posted inExploration & Production

India eyes major oil and gas boost; offers 26 blocks in mega offshore bid

The Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), India’s upstream regulator, said earlier this week that India will offer 26 blocks or areas for finding and producing oil and gas in a mega offshore bid round. At the same time, India is also offering 16 areas for prospecting for coal-bed methane in a separate bidding round. “Government […]

Posted inDownstream

5 ways the supply chain will be impacted due to oil prices

From an average customer’s viewpoint, increase in oil prices mean more expensive fuel costs and expected inflation concerning consumer products. However, volatility in oil prices affects different segments of the industry, especially sectors that rely on oil, based on interdependencies, such as logistics, the F&B industry and consumer goods, among others. However, oil prices have […]