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Khalid Al-Falih

Al-Falih, who has held the top spot at Aramco since 1 January 2009, sits at the head of the largest oil company by value in the world. With a workforce of around 60,000, crude oil reserves of 260 billion barrels of oil and revenues of between $2 and $7 trillion in 2010, the superlatives just […]

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Sami Al Rushaid

This year, the KOC was actively awarding contracts to a number of companies including a $200 million EPC contract to Petrofac to bolster Kuwait’s North onshore oil infrastructure by improving power supply. In September the Kuwait Oil Company, announced that it would continue producing at 3million bpd, with demand for Kuwait’s oil remaining high. According […]

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Ashti Hawrami

The Kurdistan region is currently one of the most heavily explored areas in the world. Resolution of current conflicts between the KRGF and the federal government would allow the region to produce between 500,000 to 800,000 bpd in 2020 and between 750,000 to 1.2 million bpd by 2035, marking a considerable shift in Iraq’s output. […]