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Abdul Kareem Al-Luaibi

Appointed to the job in 2010, Al-Luaibi has worked with the Ministry of Oil since 1998 where he moved from Chief Engineer of the Technical Department to Director of Chemical Materials to Assistant Director General, Inspector General and then the deputy Minister position before being appointed to his current role in December 2010. Needless to […]

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Dhia Jaafar

Dhia Jaafar, Director-General of South Oil Company, holds immense responsibility as the head of the national Iraqi company responsible for the oil in the South of Iraq. He is vested with the power to award contracts in the burgeoning market where tenders continue to be extremely competitive. In November, the company signed a 20 year […]

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Gati al-Jebouri

The executive director and chief commercial officer of Russia’s largest private oil company’s growing Middle-East division. Earlier this year, Lukoil signed a contract worth US $998 million with Samsung to carry out the commissioning and start-up of the West Qurna (Phase 2) field. The company floated a number of tenders this year for the West […]

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Yasuhisa Kanehara,

Inpex continues to strengthen its position in the Middle East with senior vice president Yasuhisa Kanehara recently signing a deal with the Iraqi Federal Government and Russia’s Lukoil to explore an area believed to contain oil. Through its wholly owned subsidiary, JODCO, Inpex owns an interest in the ADMA Block located offshore from Abu Dhabi […]

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Tony Hayward

Genel Energy plc has exploration and production operations in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The company owns rights in numerous production sharing contracts including in the Taq Taq, Tawke and Chia Surkh fields. At the beginning of 2012 Genel announced plans to boost production from 60,000 bpd to 100,000 bpd from the Tawke field. Genel […]

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Todd F Kozel

Todd Kozel started taking an interest in Iraqi Kurdistan shortly after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003. The company has personality, with a clique of committed private shareholders and an outgoing CEO unafraid of doing business in a daunting environment. Kozel and his investors have been rewarded with the Shaikan field, for which a […]

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Abdul Jaleel Al-Khalifa

Eleven years ago, Dragon Oil inherited an under-developed oil concession in the Caspian and never looked back. In 2000, the company acquired a 100% working interest in the Cheleken Contract Area (CCA) off the coast of Turkmenistan. Dragon Oil which is headquartered with and majority-owned by the government of Dubai via state energy firm ENOC, […]