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Ashti Hawrami

Ashti Hawrami was appointed Minister for Natural Resources in May 2006, and has played an instrumental role in Kurdistan’s energy sector ever since. Before joining the KRG cabinet, Hawrami held several senior positions in the private sector. He was the chairman and chief executive officer of leading Australian sevice company ECL Group. Hawrami holds a […]

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Abdul Karim Luaibi

Appointed to the job in 2010, Luaibi has worked with Iraq’s ministry of oil since 1998 where he moved from chief engineer of the technical department to director of Chemical Materials to assistant director general, inspector general and then deputy minister position before being appointed to his current role. While a number of oil and […]

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Bill Bullock

Bill Bullock is Conoco’s newly appointed president of Asia Pacific and Middle East- arguably the two most important regions for the US energy giant. Having spent almost three decades working for Conoco, Bullock comes to the job at a time when plans to increase production from the two regions have recently been announced. But the […]

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Sara Akbar

Sara Akbar is the first and only woman in the Middle East sitting in the CEO chair of an oil and gas company. Chemical petroleum engineer by education, Akbar served in a number of managing positions at Kuwait Oil Company in the late ‘80s and throughout the ‘90s, before moving on to join Kuwait Foreign […]

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Gati Saadi Al-Jebouri

As the company’s Senior Vice President, Gati Saadi Al-Jebouri will have taken great pleasure from the news that Lukoil Overseas produced a record 112mn barrels of oil in 2014. Lukoil’s foreign upstream subsidiary produced a total of 9.6mn tonnes of crude last year – 2.4 times higher compared to its 2013 levels. The increase was […]

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Tony Hayward

Appointed as Executive Director and CEO in 2011, Hayward oversees the day-to-day operations of Genel Energy – the largest producer and holder of reserves and resources in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, with production of 69,000 bopd in 2014, a 58% increase year on year, and net 2P reserves of 429 mmboe. In November last […]