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Shell signs agreement for Block 10 gas development in Oman

The agreement was signed in concert with Shell’s partners OQ and Marsa Liqueifed Natural Gas, a joint venture between Total Energies and OQ

Shell Integrated Gas Oman, a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell, signed a concession agreement with the Oman Ministry of Energy and Minerals to develop and produce natural gas from block 10 in Oman, the firm announced Tuesday. The agreement was signed in concert with Shell’s partners OQ and Marsa Liqueifed Natural Gas, a joint venture […]

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Natural gas markets to see very volatile 2022

Europe is going into the winter with gas inventories at the lowest level in nearly a decade

Global natural gas prices are set for another year of volatility, following 18 months of swings from record lows to record highs. As natural gas demand started to rebound this summer amid depleted stocks in Asia and Europe following a long and cold winter, prices skyrocketed in the autumn to record highs. This forced gas-intensive […]

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JP Morgan was top M&A financial adviser in oil and gas sector for Q1-Q3 2021

JP Morgan advised on ten deals valued at $1 billion or more

JP Morgan has emerged as the top financial adviser for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by both value and volume in the oil & gas sector for Q1-Q3 2021, according to GlobalData, having advised on 22 deals worth $47.7bn. The leading data and analytics company notes that there was a total 1,257 M&A deals announced in […]

Posted inExploration & Production

Weekly gas and LNG market update

Gas markets, which have been rising for weeks, are now entering a more balanced phase as a result of spot market cautiousness and tightening fundamentals

The marginal decline of Asian spot LNG prices since last week was caused by more cautious Chinese buyers, who have largely retreated from the spot market given forbiddingly high prices. However, prices didn’t have to dive deep as the decline in spot purchases was  balanced by new reported supply disruptions – most recently from Bontang […]

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LNG disruption on the horizon: Gas price update

Ongoing and projected LNG production outages, could remove an incremental 4% of monthly supply off the expected market from November through February

Asia spot LNG prices, currently trading at around $35/Mmbtu levels, have found support from short covering demand and anticipations of price surges later in winter. Last week, the market heard of a potential disruption at the 9.6 Mtpa MLNG 2, which may need to operate at 75% nameplate capacity from January through March 2022 due […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Upstream oil and gas: record cash flows and peak uncertainty

The energy transition has upset the outlook and changed the rules of the game for the industry, Wood Mackenzie says

Wood Mackenzie’s Global Energy Summit Upstream Focus Day has addressed some of the biggest issues facing the industry. How will the upstream industry use an incoming US$1 trillion price windfall? Should Asian governments be doing more to resuscitate declining gas production? And what is the future for exploration in this region?  In previous upcycles the […]

Posted inExploration & Production

Forecast: Hurricane Ida’s impact on US gas markets

Concerns over the effect the storm on US gas markets grew last week, but have since dissipated as preliminary data suggests minimal impact on supply, including feedgas to liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, and on demand for natural gas for power generation. We forecast LNG export volumes to remain strong and anticipate no shut-ins or […]

Posted inEnergy Transition

Natural gas: Reliable and affordable fuel for sustainable recovery

The key to the success of economic recovery plans is to integrate socio-economic factors such as job creation with climate change issues

Having access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy sources is essential to improving the welfare of societies. However, a significant portion of the global population doesn’t have access to electricity and clean cooking methods, and the pandemic has exascerbated the situation. Moreover, energy project delays and investment contraction during the pandemic add further risks to […]

Posted inExploration & Production

De-constructing India’s gas supply boom

Surging domestic supply will dent LNG’s Indian ambitions, but not for long

India’s domestic gas production has been in a sorry state for years. With output falling for more than a decade as legacy fields decline, India’s modest upstream prospectivity and challenging E&P regime have proven stubborn deterrents to new investment. And even as India’s gas demand has surged, the country’s notoriously byzantine business environment and more […]