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Oman announces $3.8 billion projects across sectors


Oman Investment Authority (OIA) has announced 36 investment opportunities worth $3.8 billion covering various industries.

Hisham Ahmed Al Sheedi, Director General of Economic Diversification at OIA said that these investment opportunities will potentially ensure better alignment and synergy between OIA and other government and private entities. He noted that the opportunities are distributed across several key investment sectors, including technology, utilities (electricity), tourism, fisheries, and food, as well as mining and health.

In an interview, Al Sheedi noted that the investments on offer are just an initial list that is likely to increase based on the current and future viability studies. He also noted that specialists in the lounge will explain investment opportunities to the investor as a first step.

Last month, Oman announced an offering of three oil and gas concession areas for investments by local and international local companies.

The country also announced that its massive Duqm refinery, the most significant project in the refining and petrochemical industries sector, has started operations of the crude oil distillation unit, which indicates operational readiness for all the units of the refinery.

The refinery has a capacity of 230,000 barrels per day, with its design based on a hydrocracking unit and a petroleum coke unit.