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Qatar says ‘hot competition’ for $30 billion North Field East partnership

Qatar’s state owned energy giant, QatarEnergy, has engaged in talks with several Asian nations to take an equity stake in Qatar’s massive $30 billion North Field East expansion project. “There is a hot competition to associate with the prestigious North Field expansion project,” al-Kaabi told Gulf Times at a media event at the QatarEnergy headquarters. […]

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Oman’s OQ signs 10-year LNG supply deal with Bangladesh

Oman’s OQ Trading has signed a new long-term LNG deal with Bangladesh state-owned Petrobangla to supply up to 1.5 million tonnes per annum of LNG from 2026. Under the new government-to-government deal, state-owned OQ will supply at least four LNG cargoes to Bangladesh starting in 2026, further increasing supplies to 16 cargoes in both 2027 […]

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Palestinian economy could get much-needed boost after Israel approves Gaza Strip gas development

Israel gave preliminary approval for the development of a gas field off the Gaza Strip on Sunday—a move that would be a boost for the cash-strapped Palestinian economy. Israel, however added, that the approval would require security coordination with the Palestinian Authority and neighbouring Egypt. Announcing the move on the Gaza Marine project, Prime Minister […]

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Jordan’s Risha gas compression project to begin operations this year: Minister

Jordan’s gas compression plant (Jordan chlorine) that is currently under construction in the Risha area, will complete installation of gas units in two months and will be commercially operational by the end of this year, the Jordan Times reported, citing Jordan’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Saleh Kharabsheh. The gas plant, which is one […]

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UN chief slams carbon capture; calls oil and gas producers ‘planet wreckers’

UN secretary-general António Guterres attacked the oil and gas industry attempts to justify fossil fuel expansion with carbon capture technology as “proposals to become more efficient planet wreckers”, in a speech that appeared to be take aim at the UAE hosts of COP28, the Financial Times reported. The industry’s stated plans to deal largely with […]

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