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BP awards multi-million contract for subsea well development project

BP has awarded a multi-million subsea riser contract to UK-based Aquaterra Energy, a leader in global offshore engineering solutions, for a subsea well development project located in Trinidad and Tobago.

According to the contract, Aquaterra Energy will provide a complete end-to-end managed service as a fully independent riser system and connector OEM.

The contract will see Aquaterra Energy deliver a subsea riser system to BP’s Cypre Project, off the southeast coast of Trinidad and Tobago. The system will be operated from a jack-up rig, supporting gas exploration from seven development wells in a water depth of around 80m. As part of the project, Aquaterra Energy will be providing local in country content, working alongside local fabricators, and transferring knowledge to teams. Drilling activities are expected to commence in 2023 with gas production to begin in 2025.

Aquaterra Energy will provide an integrated package of equipment, including rig modifications and personnel for full end-to-end delivery, focusing on enhanced offshore efficiency and improved safety.