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Drilling special: Bit Focus

Oil & Gas Middle East cuts right to the chase

Drilling special: Bit Focus
Drilling special: Bit Focus

Oil & Gas Middle East cuts right to the chase with Rusty Petree of West Texas’ Drilformance

Drilling costs account for 60% of E&P operator budgets, on average, and around 60% of the total drilling process is spent tripping in and out of the hole.

“Cost effective technologies that can effectively reduce pipe trips and increase drilling efficiency will be essential if the industry is to feed the world’s growing appetite for energy in the year’s ahead,” says Rusty Petree, chairman and CEO of Drilformance.

The company has gained significant momentum in North America, “Much of our success is attributable to superior manufacturing processes, technology, and talented personnel who go above and beyond for our customers,” explains Rusty Petree, chairman and CEO of Drilformance.

With recent addition of facilities in the Permian Basin and the Woodlands, TX, Drilformance is positioned for further expansion into international markets.
Petree says the firm is implementing an international growth strategy that includes development in the Middle East.

“The Middle East will continue a positive secular trend for high-end drilling technology for the foreseeable future.”

PDC bits: The Lowdown
Polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bits have been a game-changer for drillers since their proliferation over the past several years. The engineering team at Drilformance crafted a full complement of PDC bits capable of engaging the most demanding formations.

The company is currently expanding the scope of PDC bit models with impressive results. The DF-516R directional bit delivered record performance in the Pembina field of Western Canada, delivering staggering ROP of 71.1 metres (233 feet) per hour.

The team’s latest innovation in PDC bits, the T series, delivered back-to-back field records in the DJ Basin. The 7 7/8” 516T delivered on bottom ROPs in excess of 1,500 ft/hr.

A 6 1/8” DF-513R delivered an incredible 250% ROP performance increase and 50% increase in distance drilled in Western Oklahoma granite wash horizontal applications.
Petree indicates Drilformance is currently commercialising additional game changing drilling bit technologies that complements its drill bit product line.

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