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Drilling special: Efficiency drive

Liam Burns says reducing operator’s costs is the key to success

Drilling special: Efficiency drive
Drilling special: Efficiency drive

Liam Burns of Schlumberger Drilling & Measurements says reducing operator’s costs through improved efficiency is the key to success in the regional market

If the oilfield service sector had supermajors, Schlumberger would be in the premier league. The company is involved in a number of significant drilling projects with operators in the Middle East, including key activity hotspots Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Iraq and UAE.

Each project has its own unique challenges and solutions from performance drilling to exacting well placement.

“From a drilling perspective the challenges are clear,” says Liam Burns, marketing manager, Middle East and Asia, Schlumberger Drilling & Measurements. “Our clients are expecting us to help them reduce the overall well cost through best in class reliability, performance and formation measurements.”

He says key regional objectives are to reduce non-productive time, increase rate of penetration, deliver a reduction in lost in hole events and maximise reservoir contact.

Across the Middle East, many operators are now turning to more complex and challenging fields. Each brings its own technical challenges with different technology or process solutions.

For example, there is a growing challenge for high dogleg-capable rotary steerable (RSS) tools for the greater than 8 degree build rates or for guaranteed 6 degree or higher in softer formations.

This year Schlumberger launched PowerDrive Archer high build rate RSS, which delivers well profiles previously possible only with motors, yet with ROP and wellbore quality of a fully rotating RSS.

In the Middle East, an operator maintained verticality for longer, drilling the 12 ¼-in section faster and pushing the kickoff deeper with the higher build rate achievable in the 8 ½-in section. Drilling objectives were achieved with less footage, which—with performance in the 12 ¼-in section—saved 2 ½ days and approximately US$125,000.

In addition, highly accurate well placement to maximize reservoir contact is another aspect that is being examined closely by operators. Efficient wellbore placement can reduce overall cost of drilling and the PeriScope deep and directional electromagnetic resistivity LWD measurement has shown to have assisted in eliminating sidetracks on client wells and enhanced production.

“These type of challenges are becoming more common and this will only increase as both exploration and development drilling extends into these kind of fields in 2011 and beyond,” says Burns.

To create the next step change in drilling performance, Schlumberger believes a systems approach needs to be taken to move the entire drilling process from being partly a form of art to becoming a full-fledged science.

The merger of Schlumberger with Smith International last year and the acquisition of Geoservices has put Schlumberger in a strong position to take on this challenge, building on leadership positions in most of the drilling segments.

The organization can now work with clients to provide complete drilling solutions tailored to align exactly with their goals.

This can range from a simple drilling assembly with an optimized drilling bit to a full drilling solution involving drilling services, downhole tools (roller reamers and hole openers), drill bits, mud logging and drilling fluids.

In September, the ONYX II premium polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) cutter was introduced. The ability of this cutter to retain a sharp edge enables it to drill more efficiently in harsh formations.

Improved thermal stability enables the new cutters to maintain its structural integrity and resist diamond spalling and chipping. This in turn helps to drill hard limestones, which are the predominant lithology drilled in Middle East. The ONYX II cutters help to increase both the footage drilled and ROP, and ultimately help the operator to reduce the cost per foot.

“We are investing in people, equipment and infrastructure, both at the wellsite and at our maintenance facilities. Our clients want and expect the highest levels of service delivery and quality and this investment is delivering our aim to assist our clients in reducing their overall well cost,” Burns concludes.

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