Toshiaki Kitamura
A seasoned politician in Tokyo, Toshiaki Kitamura joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in April 1972, one month after he finished a law degree from Tokyo University. Having been Inpex’s CEO since 2010 and executive vice president since 2009, Kitamura played a significant role in the company’s recent achievements. It was under his watch that Inpex established Japan Oil Development Company in 2004, which later went on to acquire a stake in one of Abu Dhabi’s offshore concessions. Some of the Abu Dhabi developments that the company is currently involved in include the redevelopment of the Upper Zakum oilfield involving the use of artificial islands as well as the Phase II development, with the aim to engage in the overall production of Umm Lulu and Nasr oilfields. Inpex itself was founded in 1966 with the aim to promote independent development of oil and gas sources.