Posted inPower List Power 50 OAG 2017

Yosuke Ueda


Yosuke Ueda

Yosuke Ueda joined the company in 1983 and was promoted to the role of director in 2013. He was assigned the Abu Dhabi project vision almost as soon as he joined the company. JODCO’s involvement in Abu Dhabi dates back to 1973 with its participation in Umm Shaif and the Lower Zakum fields. A few years down the line, it started work on Upper Zakum, Umm Al Dalkha and the Satah field. A wholly owned subsidiary of INPEX established in 1973, JODCO’s Abu Dhabi vision finally materialised recently when it won 8% of the ADMA-OPCO offshore concession. The final agreement was sealed last month, marking a shift in the regional oil industry which previously sought partnerships with western IOCs.

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