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Five minutes with: Nasir Sharif, general manager of GCG Engineering Services

Nasir Sharif, general manager of GCG Engineering Services, answers our questions about oil and gas technologies

Five minutes with: Nasir Sharif, general manager of GCG Engineering Services
Five minutes with: Nasir Sharif, general manager of GCG Engineering Services

What is new at GCG?
We are bringing in new technology, as digitalisation grows, including advanced automation solutions and totally connected field devices. The theme is really full connectivity, digitalisation and automation throughout the industry.
We are expanding our products, we have included new portfolios at GCG like smart valves, pumps and automation. We started as a trading company 35 years back, and then we moved towards the projects and solutions business. We have delivered projects to ADNOC, DEWA and SEWA, among others.

What are companies looking for?
Companies like ADNOC are facing issues in the field with downtime, optimising energy efficiency, and dealing with production losses. We use our portfolio of field instrumentation solutions and products for these challenges, and we connect them through our automation portfolio. This gives more transparency; instead of unexpected shutdowns, they can evaluate historical data to maintain not only spare part availability but also to keep production up and running. With all this data analysis, they can optimise their processes. The industry is more competitive, margins are getting tighter, and it means everyone is keen to know details on their performance

Can you tell me about your recently added smart valves?
These smart valves are a revolution—it is the first polymer valve in the world, and compared with conventional valves, it is 90% smaller in terms of both size and weight, which, for oil and gas companies, means simple installation, and it has fewer moving parts. In terms of connectivity, it has all those features communicating to SCADA. That is why we call them smart valves. It can also be used in the utilities and water segments. We have performed some pilot projects in Oman, the UAE and KSA, and this technology is one of a one kind.

What are some of GCG’s recent and ongoing projects, and where do you see potential for growth?
We started doing HIPPS applications for ADNOC. GCG is one of the few companies to do this integration locally, it is usually performed in Europe or elsewhere. So, we have started delivering HIPPS projects. We have also recently received orders from power plants, which is part of our diversification plan.  We are also diversifying in the region, we started in the UAE, in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. We set up an office in Iraq and working with big players there like Shell. Now, we are expanding to Oman, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, among others.

What are your focus areas going forth?
Our ambition is to be the regional centre of competence in automation, digitalisation and totally connected instrumentation and devices. We want to lead digitalisation solutions in the future. This is where we see the region going, towards machine learning, cloud-based applications, artificial intelligence, SCADA and so on. That is our strategic focus. Ultimately, our strategy is based on analysing external factors. It is an era of technological disruption, but political disruption as well. And this is how we formulate our strategy. If there are issues in one industry, we focus on a different segment. That is why we are diversifying and are trying to expand into different segments and promoting products that are more connected.

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