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Video: In conversation with Ronan Le Gloahec of Weir Oil & Gas

The managing director for Weir Oil & Gas in the EMEA region talks about the oilfield services market and how multiple global factors are directing the course of the industry

Video: In conversation with Ronan Le Gloahec of Weir Oil & Gas
Video: In conversation with Ronan Le Gloahec of Weir Oil & Gas
Video: In conversation with Ronan Le Gloahec of Weir Oil & Gas
Video: In conversation with Ronan Le Gloahec of Weir Oil & Gas

During the hour-long exclusive interview with Ronan Le Gloahec, the managing director for Weir Oil & Gas’ business in the EMEA region, the Frenchman discussed a range of aspects related to the oil and gas industry.

Among the matters discussed in the interview, which was published as the cover story in the August 2017 issue of Oil & Gas Middle East, was the vital topic of how the nature of the oilfield services business has changed in the wake of the decline in oil prices.

On that note, Le Gloahec went on to explain how daunting it had become to lead an oilfield services company in a region as vast as EMEA, and how he has to ensure that the firm is constantly adjusting to the industry’s shifting dynamics.

Moreover as the business leader, Le Gloahec has to, most importantly, endeavour to direct the business’ growth in the region and expand its customer base.

In response to a question on whether Weir Oil & Gas has faced similar amounts of pressure from a pricing perspective, as its industry rivals have to offer discounts and lower their rates for their customers, the 46-year-old executive,  said, “We have faced the same over the last two years. There has been some pressure from the pricing point-of-view, now pricing levels have stabilised in the EMEA region.”

However, we went on to say, “We’ve reached levels of efficiency that we had never reached before, jointly with the customer. At this stage, I think the ones that will benefit the most from this recovery are the ones that have continued to support the customers – and I think Weir has been leading the effort on this front.”

In the following video, Le Gloahec, who assumed charge of Weir Oil & Gas in the EMEA in May this year, expresses his opinion on the oilfield services market, how multiple macro factors are directing the course of the industry, and the business alignment that stakeholders in this domain have to ensure to remain competitive:


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