Posted inDownstream

5 ways the supply chain will be impacted due to oil prices

From an average customer’s viewpoint, increase in oil prices mean more expensive fuel costs and expected inflation concerning consumer products. However, volatility in oil prices affects different segments of the industry, especially sectors that rely on oil, based on interdependencies, such as logistics, the F&B industry and consumer goods, among others. However, oil prices have […]

Posted inProducts & Services

7 signs you need mobile barcoding

Top reasons to consider mobile barcoding for your ERP and questions to ask before buying

Companies across the globe have transformed their supply chain with mobile barcoding. Whether you handle inventory in the warehouse, on the shop floor, for maintenance and repair, or out in the field—or all of the above—mobile barcoding is the new standard for modern material handling. If your operation doesn’t use mobile barcoding, your enterprise is […]