With fuel cells set to play an important role in the battle against climate change, David Townsend takes a look at the benefits of the technology and its growing commercialization.
Industry Trends
Strength through unity
The growing ties between GCC member countries?should be?strengthened by using international benchmarking.
ENOC shows commitment to training
Employees sent on intensive international training courses in the US and UK.
A solid partnership
Water firm Metito and Australia’s Flovac Vacuum Systems officially lau
Health on the job
Benefits afforded by industry occupational health programmes
License awarded to Noble Denton
Noble Denton gets pre-qualification licenses from Malaysia’s national oil company.
Back to school: fire training safety
In a world of oil exploration, drilling and production, supplying the demands of an oil-hungry society presents a range of fire-safety challenges for the those working in the oil and gas industry.
Electrifying the desert
Climate and environment can have a major impact on the technical function of power systems. Here, in the Middle East, heat and humidity cause the biggest headaches.
Poudrsazan plans for UAE
Company produces micronised powders for drilling applications.
A nuclear balancing act
The International Atomic Energy Agency has the tricky task of balancing power and necessity.