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Natural gas prices could dip below zero in Europe: Report

Natural gas prices in Europe are likely to plummet further on lackluster demand from power generation and industry. This downward trend has led traders and industry officials to consider the possibility of day-ahead prices dipping below zero in some European markets during the summer, according to a report by Oilprice. According to the report, several […]

Posted inNewsExploration & Production

Europe gas supply at risk as Russia’s rubles payment deadline approaches

Russia says it demands only rubles for its gas and will not ship gas for free

Russia’s insistence that its “unfriendly” nations pay in rubles for Russian natural gas risks disrupting European supplies as soon as this week as the deadline set by Putin for moving to ruble payments is drawing closer. Europe, which depends on Russian natural gas for more than one-third of its demand—with some countries, including the biggest […]

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Qatar could benefit as Europe shuns Russian gas, says S&P

As one of the world’s biggest LNG producers, the country could benefit from increased demand

S&P Global Ratings said that it believes the EU’s planned diversification from Russian gas could have a positive implication for Qatar’s state energy producer QatarEnergy (QE). The European Commission announced earlier this month plans to remove EU reliance on Russian fossil fuels by the end of the decade. The decision was taken following Russia’s invasion […]

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Natural gas markets to see very volatile 2022

Europe is going into the winter with gas inventories at the lowest level in nearly a decade

Global natural gas prices are set for another year of volatility, following 18 months of swings from record lows to record highs. As natural gas demand started to rebound this summer amid depleted stocks in Asia and Europe following a long and cold winter, prices skyrocketed in the autumn to record highs. This forced gas-intensive […]

Posted inExploration & Production

Tapping working gas volume could cushion blow of Europe’s energy crunch

Supply and demand fluctuate for European gas as winter sets in

European gas storage has been struggling to fill this summer. Storage at the beginning of November will be about 75% full, at 83 billion cubic metres (bcm), 14 bcm below the five-year average, rattling the market. A cold European winter could result in storage levels falling to zero by the end of March 2022, unless […]