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The future of 3D printed medicine in the Middle East

According to the University College, London-led research team, medicines can be printed in seven seconds in a new 3D-printing technique that could enable rapid on-site production. Interestingly, this is not the first time they have printed medicines. The Basit Lab has previously developed 3D-printed polypills to help people who need to take multiple medications each day, as […]

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How is AI delivering on its promise of ensuring supply chain continuity?

According to a survey in 2021 on utilising AI in healthcare among 500 senior healthcare executives, respondents recorded an overwhelmingly positive response. 98% of most healthcare organisations either have an AI strategy in place or are planning one, while 55% of survey respondents were optimistic that AI would create more work opportunities. Optum, an American […]

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4 Trends in automotive supply chain that ease disruptions

Predictive analysis can help manufacturers and consumers answer the integral “what if” question, proactively reducing the impact of disruptions for the automotive supply chain. We have engineered supply chains to be as cost-effective as possible. Holding globalisation responsible, manufacturing has been moved to cheaper countries over the years, and businesses no longer contain extensive inventories. […]

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5 ways the supply chain will be impacted due to oil prices

From an average customer’s viewpoint, increase in oil prices mean more expensive fuel costs and expected inflation concerning consumer products. However, volatility in oil prices affects different segments of the industry, especially sectors that rely on oil, based on interdependencies, such as logistics, the F&B industry and consumer goods, among others. However, oil prices have […]

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5 busiest shipping routes of 2022 in the growing maritime industry

Container shipping is used to transport more than 95% of all manufactured goods around the world. The shipping industry handles approximately 11 billion tonnes of goods yearly, accounting for the transportation of more than 50,000 vessels globally. The volume of goods carried; traffic conditions; natural circumstances such as wind, current, and weather; piracy; and physical […]