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Wiki portal for upstream O&G industry launched

Portal to be powerful knowledge transfer tool for industry

Wiki portal for upstream O&G industry launched
Wiki portal for upstream O&G industry launched

Knowledge Reservoir, a geosciences and engineering consulting company, today announced a new information management service centered on the development of Wiki Portals for its upstream oil and gas clients.

The company recently completed a wiki portal on reservoir engineering topics for a leading integrated international energy company’s reservoir engineering team in Houston, Texas. The portal is now being grown in-house, from the Knowledge Reservoir template and base content, as the client’s engineers and geoscientists collaborate in expanding the information, knowledge and best practices, creating a powerful knowledge transfer tool across the company, according to a statement.

For content creation, Knowledge Reservoir provides experienced oil and gas geosciences and engineering professionals to develop the initial content (seeds) for wiki websites that the client community can refine and change over time. With targeted, relevant, and sufficient seed content, first time visitors are converted into system users and content contributors at a much higher rate.

The company said that it also provides experienced knowledge management professionals for process guidance, to ensure that the wiki website is managed in a way that promotes continuing value through content management, cost management through mission alignment, and expanding knowledge capture by transitioning visitors from users to content contributors and reviewers. Knowledge Reservoir’s experienced IT professionals assist in technology selection, deployment and customisation to target the client’s needs, infrastructure and budget.

As a component of its Knowledge Management business line, the company is incorporating wiki pages into its deepwater knowledge base, ReservoirKB, to enable the sharing of information and best practices relevant to deepwater reservoir exploration and production. The company believes that this additional functionality will enhance the utility of the information library within the knowledge base, which many Gulf of Mexico deepwater operators find an invaluable resource when evaluating projects, assessing risks and measuring projects against analogs and other opportunities in their portfolios.

Commenting on the announcement, Dr. Ivor Ellul, CEO of Knowledge Reservoir, stated: “With the exponential growth in technology, there’s no excuse for businesses of any size to not implement a knowledge management strategy. We offer a wide range of knowledge management and data management solutions, all of which can be tailored to fit our clients’ specific needs. Knowledge Reservoir works directly with our clients to create a knowledge sharing environment to drive the use of collaborative tools such as the wiki portal, enabling and promoting innovation. Our team creates a knowledge base of data, information, and best practices designed so that information and knowledge is easy to find, easy to use, and delivered in a way that makes sense for each organisation. The bottom line for our clients is better information and smarter decisions, from both an organisational knowledge capture perspective and as an aid to training a transitioning workforce.”

Knowledge Reservoir provides geoscience and engineering consulting and resourcing solutions to clients worldwide from offices in Texas, California, the United Kingdom, Norway, Oman, and Malaysia.

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