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Repsol signs contract for Algerian gas field

Consortium headed by Spanish energy company to develop Sud-Est Illizi

Repsol signs contract for Algerian gas field
Repsol signs contract for Algerian gas field

The Spanish energy company Repsol has announced that it has signed an exploration and exploitation contract for the Sud-Est Illizi gas field in Southeastern with the Algerian state-owned energy company Sonatrach.

In a statement Repsol said that it owns 52.5% of the development consortium with Italian outfit Enel owning 27.5% and the French company GdF-Suez owning 20%.

“The award of this exploration block on December 20th reinforces Repsol’s position in Algeria, where the company is already present in Reggane, Tinfouye Tabenkort and Tifernine, reaffirming Repsol’s commitment to this country as a growth area as outlined in the 2008-2012 Strategic Plan,” the statement said.

“Repsol has carried out an extensive exploration campaign in 2008 and 2009, resulting in some of the world’s largest oil and gas finds in the period,” it added.

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