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IRENA’s 13th council meeting opens in Abu Dhabi

At the outset of the meeting, the Council elected HE Li Fanrong, deputy administrator of the National Energy Administration of China as chair of the meeting and Colombia as vice-Chair.

More than 300 high-level government representatives from 110 countries and the European Union – the largest number ever represented at an IRENA Council meeting – gathered yesterday in Abu Dhabi to attend the 13th Council of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

At the outset of the meeting, the Council elected HE Li Fanrong, deputy administrator of the National Energy Administration of China as chair of the meeting and Colombia as vice-Chair.

“In our efforts to meet growing energy demand with cleaner, low-carbon and sustainable sources of energy sources, China has become one of the fast-growing renewable energy markets in the world. It has now become evident in China that renewables can not only contribute to the on-going energy transition, but also drive sustainable economic growth,” said Fanrong.

“China is open to cooperating with all countries across the globe on renewable energy development and deployment, and honoured to be part of the IRENA’s invaluable efforts at the centre of international cooperation for greater renewable energy deployment,” added Fanrong.

In the opening session, IRENA’s director general Adnan Z Amin presented the progress report of IRENA’s work. “We are in the midst of a major energy transition and renewables are at the centre stage of it experiencing continuous growth and development in more and more countries around the world,” said Amin.

“This transition has multiple socio-economic benefits in terms of fuelling economic growth, creating jobs and improving human welfare and the environment. We look forward to working closely with our members and stakeholders to further accelerate the global energy transition through strengthened international cooperation and innovative partnerships.”

For the remainder of the council, participants will discuss the agency’s future work as part of IRENA’s work programme and budget for 2018-2019, and its medium-term strategy for 2018-2022. Programmatic discussions will cover the investment needs for a low-carbon energy system, renewable energy jobs, and adapting electricity market design to high shares of variable renewable energy. Events covering battery storage, renewable energy project development and facilitation, and the IRENA / ADFD project facility, is also planned.

Composed of 21 IRENA members, the council meets twice annually to facilitate cooperation among its members, oversee implementation of the IRENA work programme and complete substantive preparations for the agency’s annual assembly.

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