Posted inProducts & Services

Moving from conventional emergency response

Incidents like oil and gas leaks, fire and gas explosion are very common in the oil and gas industry.

In recent years, a series of adverse incidents in the Middle East has highlighted the potential for disruption to business, loss of life and loss of property.

Incidents like oil and gas leaks, fire and gas explosion are very common in the oil and gas industry. A solid crisis management and response team is essential in any organisation that lies at the top grid in the risk matrix.

However, in a challenging business environment, when oil and gas are selling at low prices, organisations need not only be increasingly selective with their programmes and capital expenditures, but also need to take measures to limit unnecessary expenses to ensure budgets aren’t wasted on unnecessary maintenance.

As such the 5th Annual Crisis & Risk Management Conference in Kuwait will congregate key organisations involved in the industry to discuss implementing methods utilised when putting crisis in to context and perspective: pre, during and post crisis management this 30 April to 3 May in Kuwait.

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