Posted inProducts & Services

Last Word with … Prasanth Sreekumar

Last Word with … Prasanth Sreekumar

Last Word with ...  Prasanth Sreekumar
Last Word with ... Prasanth Sreekumar

What is your current role in the oil & gas industry?
Within this Industry, my role has changed over the past 16 years from sales to business development to marketing.

My current role is head of marketing for the Middle East region at Endress+Hauser, I head a dynamic team that supports the region and sales offices with product, industry and MarCom Support.

Oil & Gas is one of our key business segments in the region and am personally involved as an active member of the Endress+Hauser Global Strategic Industry Group, Oil & Gas. I cannot think of a better place to be in, considering the market opportunities and dynamics we have in Middle East market.

What is the most exciting trend or development in your sector at the moment?
These are exciting times here in the region with large scale investments in the infrastructure and hydrocarbons sector. Oil & gas is one of the focus industries in the region for Endress+Hauser and the segment has offered ample opportunity to invest and develop business in the region.

Since inception, we had significant growth and paved the way for direct operations in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE. The region has seen a big upswing from traditional technologies to new generation, state-of-the-art field devices. Other key areas where we see developments are custody transfer measurement, wireless technology, SIS (Safety Instrumented System) and web based technologies.

Are you optimistic about the future of unconventionals in the Middle East?
Development of unconventional resources is gaining momentum in the region as most of the Middle East countries are taking a pro-active approach towards exploration of these previously untapped resources.

With this view, I am very optimistic about the future as far as energy conservation and fulfilling the increasing demands is concerned.

On the other hand, production of these resources is becoming more viable due to progressively increasing knowledge and advanced technologies. Countries have started exploring the unconventional options and the segment can open new avenues in the Middle East energy market.

What CSR programmes is your company involved in?
Endress+Hauser has been actively contributing to the well-being and long-term development of a global society. It has chosen to be part of Responsible Care programme, which is the chemical industry’s comprehensive environment, health, safety and security (EHS & S) performance improvement initiative of the GPCA. Safety and the environment are two focus areas.

What are your out of office hobbies?
Racquet sports, of late I have been trying to master my serve in lawn tennis!

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