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Regional refineries buck downward trend

EU refineries slash production, Middle East refineries plan expansion

Regional refineries buck downward trend
Regional refineries buck downward trend

Middle East refineries are posting ambitious expansion plans, while production targets are slashed across the EU. European Refiners have cut capacity by 8% over 2007-13 to 14.6 million of barrels a day from 15.8 Mb/d and capacity is expected to continue to fall.

Abu Dhabi Oil Refining Company Takreer has seen huge investment into expanding its refining capacity with more on the horizon. The $10 billion expansion of its Ruwais refinery is expected to start-up in the first-half of 2014 taking the plant to more than 800,000 b/d capacity.

France’s Total SA is among refiners that have closed or mothballed plants during Europe’s economic crisis, seeing a loss of $675.7 million in 2013 due to lower margins. Even though many European countries are now on the mend, tough competition from abroad means that many European refiners will continue to struggle.



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