Posted inProducts & Services

Last word with … James McCallum

Last word with … James McCallum

Last word with ... James McCallum
Last word with ... James McCallum

What is your current role in the O&G industry and what is the best thing about your job?
I’m the CEO & Chairman of the LR Senergy Group and Professor of Energy at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland.

There are many great things about my job, but probably my favourite thing is working alongside very talented friends and colleagues who leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of excellence in everything we do. The universal commitment to the LR Senergy Values frequently enables us to achieve exceptional results for our clients and our industry.

What is the most exciting trend or development in your sector at the moment?
The development of knowledge partnering across the supply chain is an essential tool to the delivery of energy assets. At LR Senergy, we believe that the most successful companies in the next decade will be those that demonstrate best practice in collaboration.

No one company or person has all the answers and the rapid development of a digital knowledge economy should drive some amazingly creative knowledge partnerships. We hope to be a leading participant in this space.

Are you optimistic about the future of unconventionals in the Middle East in general?
I’m always optimistic mainly because today’s unconventionals are tomorrow’s conventionals. There is now a global conversation on the importance of energy diversification and energy security.

The Middle East is becoming an increasingly important voice in this conversation as we all increasingly appreciate that energy diversification conserves existing resources for future generations. With much of the world’s hydrocarbon resources in this part of the world energy conservation has to be a key pillar of sustainability for ME economies.

What CSR programmes is your company involved in?
Almost too many to mention! LR Senergy’s ultimate parent is a charitable foundation, which promotes the development of engineering and science awareness in the academic sector – from school children all the way through to university students.

The Group is committed to the concept that life matters and, wherever we can impact that through the development of HSE technology or providing access to water to stranded communities, we are delighted in trying to achieve that.

What are your out of office hobbies?
My futile attempt to be a Super-Dad!

Quick Facts:
What is your favourite film?
Chariots of Fire

What is your best holiday destination?
Wherever the family is but principally Mallorca.

Who is your favourite band/singer/composer?
Currently, The Killers.

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