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Power supplies with special voltage


Power supplies with special voltage
Power supplies with special voltage

More power for even more applications

Power supplies with special voltage are required in many industrial areas. If, for example, an application requires a 14 V power supply, standard devices with a 24 V output voltage can only be used with greatly increased effort or not at all. For this reason, three powerful models have been added to the Quint Power product range (Figure 1 Lead image).

Up and away on a Ferris wheel – people who don’t fear heights have certainly experienced these grand views before. Ferris wheels, which are often the landmark of a city, become bright and colorful attractions in the dark. Distinguished lighting requires a secure 12 V power supply that can withstand severe weather conditions and mechanical influences. One of the three new Quint Power models is used here.

Three voltage variants have been added to the successful Phoenix Contact Quint Power power supply range: a power supply with 12 V DC and two models with a 48 V DC output voltage that supplies output currents of 5 to 15 A. All three devices meet the requirements for the safety of switching power supplies and transformers for switching power supplies for supply voltages. They conform to the EN 61558-2-16 standard. For example, the new models are used for Ferris wheel lighting, to power the DC drives of printing or packaging machines, in safety technology and in machine building. More and more often, power supplies with special voltage are required in this area.

For example, the 12 V DC device addresses users in the areas of infrastructure, lighting and safety technology and enables an industrial-grade power supply. The module is used to quickly charge batteries as well as in inspection and test systems. In addition, 12 V QUINT POWER devices make the plug power supplies in the control cabinet redundant.

For example, the Quint Power power supplies with a 48 V DC output voltage provides DC drives with a reliable supply. In machine building, 48 V power supplies are increasing in importance if smaller motors are driven with this voltage in order to be able to work with lower currents and smaller cable cross-sections. DC motors are used in devices such as printing and packaging machines, as well as pick-and-place machines or fans. QUINT POWER meets the stringent requirements in the aforementioned application areas thanks to its strong output side, durable input side and extensive signaling options.

Strong output for a secure supply

The new Quint Power power supplies are effectively protected from mechanical and electrical influences and they also supply a wide variety of consumers reliably. The two power reserves, “static boost” and “dynamic boost”, are used for this purpose.

Systems are frequently expanded in stages, and the total current is rarely taken into account. If the nominal power is exceeded in standard devices, the output voltage drops and the system shuts down. With Quint Power, the system continues to run securely, as it can supply up to 125% of the nominal current for long periods. During operation in static boost, a signal is output. This warns the user that the load is in the upper range so there is enough time for the user to react. Therefore, a simple system expansion can be performed at any time.

If capacitive loads with high starting currents are to be started or if multiple 24 V consumers start up at the same time, the dynamic boost supplies up to 200% of the nominal current for five seconds. In cases where a 20 A power supply is needed instead, a power supply with 10 A is sufficient because high switch-on currents are absorbed without voltage dip.

In addition to the power reserves, the SFB technology (selective fuse breaking) enables a secure power supply. In order to selectively switch off defective current paths on the load side, Quint Power supplies 6 times the nominal current for 15 ms, which is enough current to trip conventional miniature circuit breakers quickly and reliably. Faults are located and important system parts remain in operation. This provides cost-effective and reliable protection of circuits (Figure 2).

Can withstand electrical and mechanical interference

Even extremely small power fluctuations can result in a complete failure of the system. The new QUINT POWER models provide reliable protection here. When a complete sine wave fails at the input for up to 20 milliseconds, the output power remains completely intact. Connected consumers continue to work without interruption.

Protection against transient overvoltage is offered by the integrated gas-filled surge arrester that can divert several thousand amperes. If, for example, a fast current cut-off occurs due to the emergency stop switch or if a fuse in the system trips and the current switches off immediately as a result, this can cause malfunctions that damage the standard power supplies. QUINT POWER is immune to interference here and remains in operation.

Quint Power can also be operated in a temperature range of -25 °C to +70 °C. Even at -40 °C, the power supply starts reliably and ensures a stable supply of the loads. It is also extremely shock and vibration-proof, something which is critical for applications such as Ferris wheel lighting, for instance. 30 g shock and vibrations up to 2.3 g in resonance pose no problem in increases/decreases in power, transport or during operation.

Remote diagnostics ensure error prevention

Preventive function monitoring for remote diagnostics of the power supply unit ensures high system availability. The output voltage and output current are constantly monitored. Critical situations are visualized by the LED bar graph on the front side and reported by the floating relay contact and via the active signal outputs on the control system before a malfunction occurs. If the power supply provides more than the specified nominal current, the device enters boost mode. The power supply and the connected consumers continue working as normal and the output voltage remains constant.

If another load increase occurs while in static boost that dynamic boost is also unable to absorb, the supply would be interrupted. Preventive signaling allows for an early response before errors occur. If, for example, a sluggish motor is identified, it can be repaired before other consumers register voltage dips (Figure 3).

Ordering the device pre-configured from a batch quantity of 1 or more

QUINT POWER adapts to the requirements of a system. A power supply that is preset upon customer request can be ordered ex works. More than 40 parameters can now be adapted individually. Where necessary, the power supply is configured via mobile end devices or PCs. The integrated NFC interface (near-field communication) makes changing the signaling thresholds and characteristic curves even easier. All the settings can be transferred to other devices using an app or software. A password can be assigned to the front-side buttons and all other configured parameters to provide protection from tampering.

Individually configured Quint Power power supplies can be ordered online. The device settings set in the configurator are configured via the NFC interface. Each device is assigned an individual number that can be called up at any time in the E-Shop in the case of a repeat order. This information is also recorded in the NFC chip and on the side label (Figure 4).


High MTBF values (Mean Time Between Failure) of over one million hours guarantee a secure supply for all connected consumers. The new devices feature a high efficiency rate of up to 94 percent and can switch off connected consumers via the integrated remote input. This conserves energy and saves money.

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