Petrofac JV secures $1.5 billion contract for giant petrochemicals project


A join venture of Petrofac and China Huanqiu Contracting & Engineering Corp, has secured a $1.5 billion EPC contract from STEP Polymers SPA, a Sonatrach subsidiary, for a significant petrochemical project in Algeria.

The plant will be located at the Arzew Industrial Zone, west of Algiers. Covering the design and build of two major integrated processing units, the contract includes the delivery of a new propane dehydrogenation unit and polypropylene production unit, as well as associated utilities and infrastructure for the site. It is expected to produce 550,000 tons of polypropylene per year.

Tareq Kawash, Petrofac’s group CEO, said Algeria is a “core market” for Petrofac and the company is committed to supporting the long-term delivery of critical infrastructure in the country.