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UAE slaps $30,000 fine for companies faking Emiratisation

UAE companies faking data to meet Emiratisation targets will face hefty fines

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) and Emirati Competitiveness Council have started imposing fines of up to $33,000 to companies that attempt to fake data to meet Emiratisation targets.

Under the ministry’s Nafis programme, companies with more than 50 employees must ensure that 2% of the workforce is Emirati before the deadline of January 1, 2023.

“An administrative fine of up to AED 100,000 will be imposed for every Emirati employee, besides suspension of support and recovery of the disbursed amounts if the establishment submits false documents or data to obtain Nafis benefits to evade or circumvent the Emiratisation system,” WAM said on November 15.

The ministry’s cabinet resolution emphasises moving forward with the roadmap set for Emiratisation through two tracks. The first track is to support and empower the Emirati human resources to join private sector jobs and help the sector achieve its goals by ensuring maximum benefit from Nafis. The second is to deal firmly with violations and limit negative practices by applying administrative penalties and fines.

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