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Magellan X’s global head on utilising deep-tech solutions

magellan x

In an exclusive interview with Oil & Gas Middle East, Basheer Cassim, group CEO of Magellan X, discusses how its digital solutions underpinned by IIoT and AI, allow customers to meet their sustainability goals.

Oil & Gas Middle East: Briefly describe Magellan X’s regional operations and what excites you most about disruptive technologies

Cassim: Founded and headquartered in Singapore, Magellan X is a provider of cutting-edge technological solutions that enable businesses, especially those in the heavy asset industries, including energy, maritime, and industrial sectors, to meet their ESG and sustainability obligations. Today, we have expanded to other regions, including the USA, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, and have recently opened a new office in India.
Disruptive technologies are exciting because they have the potential to fundamentally transform the way we live and work – create new industries, improve efficiency and drive innovation. As a result, our deep tech solutions make businesses more resilient, support long-term growth, and positively impact society and the environment.

Oil & Gas Middle East: Explain how Magellan X plays a significant role in fulfilling ESG goals for heavy industries.

Cassim: We offer three solutions within our portfolio. SOL-X is an industrial worker safety solution that combines streamlined, step-by-step digital workflows with a holistic approach to worker wellbeing, improving safety outcomes and “human reliability.” Using IIoT and AI technology, it enhances visibility and situational awareness for workers across hazardous operations. Meanwhile, the SOL-X SmartWatch wearable technology includes wellness and fatigue management features such as heart rate alerts, heat stress monitoring, and work-rest hours tracking.

Our second product, ecoMax, is a decarbonisation solution that addresses the growing need for effective and dependable technologies and innovative solutions that align with companies’ decarbonisation strategies. As a monitoring and management solution, ecoMax offers a comprehensive suite of data-driven reporting and analysis tools designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve operational efficiency, and decrease fuel consumption and emissions from any asset. Using sensors to monitor emissions directly at the source, ecoMax enables our customers to manage, improve, and optimise emission levels using the collected data.

Propeller, our governance product, offers an inventory optimisation solution. It’s a mobile inventory management solution that utilises IIoT technology, software, and change management to enhance inventory accuracy and increase the visibility of maintenance assets. Propeller prioritises user experience and is designed to seamlessly integrate with PMS and ERP solutions.

Our asset management solution uses RFID tags, QR codes, and beacons in a comprehensive management system to help customers track their assets in chaotic industrial environments. This enables them to optimise inventory, reduce costs, and forecast asset breakdowns or replacements.

Oil & Gas Middle East: How do you differentiate your services from others in the industry?

Cassim: Magellan X’s products are powered by IIoT devices, accurately capturing real-time data from the source and producing analytics using AI to provide actionable insights that can help anticipate and prevent incidents and operational issues. Our deep-tech digital solutions are tailored to support heavy industry organisations in meeting their ESG commitments while our focus is built on our industry expertise, connections, and research.

Oil & Gas Middle East: Highlight any ongoing clients as well as the solutions you provide for them.

Cassim: We’re working in partnership with prominent O&G and shipping corporations, who have successfully piloted our solutions. Our SOL-X solution, including the SmartWatch, has significantly enhanced safety and compliance standards on vessels and worksites, while prioritising the wellbeing of seafarers and workers. Our innovative safety and compliance technologies have helped customers minimise incident risks, improve industrial worker productivity, and make informed safety-related decisions, resulting in operational savings.

Oil & Gas Middle East: Finally, please share your vision for the company’s future growth.

Cassim: We’re rapidly expanding our sales team globally to access diverse markets and broaden our customer base while creating a more resilient sales strategy that mitigates economic and political risks. In the near future, we plan to engage system integrators to enhance our visibility and reach out to potential customers. Moreover, collaboration with our partners will enable us to leverage their existing networks and connections to tap into new opportunities.

Additionally, we’re currently pursuing Series B funding to scale up our business, broaden our operations, and make substantial investments in R&D. A larger network of investors can offer valuable expertise, resources, and connections to assist us in achieving our objectives. Lastly, although we’re currently targeting the O&G, maritime, chemicals, and mining sectors, we might expand into other areas, like construction, based on market trends and regulatory adjustments.