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PDO donates $13mn towards supporting victims of Cyclone Mekunu

Omani oil and gas firm provides sum to support victims and ongoing recovery efforts, as staff also launch appeal.

PDO donates $13mn towards supporting victims of Cyclone Mekunu
PDO donates $13mn towards supporting victims of Cyclone Mekunu

Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) is donating $13mn to support victims of Cyclone Mekunu and the ongoing recovery efforts in the wake of the recent tropical storm which hit Dhofar and Al Wusta Governorates.

The company has also launched a staff appeal in the immediate aftermath of the natural disaster which has so far raised more than $400,000. All of the money will be used to rebuild homes in the affected areas and PDO’s concession area and support other relief efforts.

Dr Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy, Minister of Oil and Gas and chairman of the PDO Board of Directors, said: “PDO is a good corporate citizen which is strongly committed to the safety, empowerment and success of the communities where it works.

“I am happy that the company is able to make this substantial contribution to the disaster relief efforts and help those affected to rebuild their lives and homes. I also applaud PDO’s staff for donating money to the cause and once again showing their compassion and concern for those in need.”  

PDO managing director Raoul Restucci said: “PDO is deeply concerned for the communities in which we operate and those beyond our boundaries which were seriously impacted by the devastating cyclone.

“There was a huge groundswell of support and sympathy for the victims from our staff and contractors, some of whom were caught up in the disaster. They wanted to do everything they could to help and have responded magnificently with the relief and recovery efforts and raising money for those who bore the brunt of the storm.”

Despite the challenging weather conditions, PDO was able to safely evacuate more than 19,000 staff and contractors from the affected areas and give vital support to local communities, providing shelter, food and water, facilitating the re-connection of electricity services, opening roads and supplying municipal offices with fuel and satellite phones.

This huge undertaking was ably led by the company’s Corporate Emergency Co-ordination Centre at Mina Al Fahal in collaboration with its Local Emergency Control Centres at Harweel and Marmul, Nimr and Bahja. The teams also co-ordinated and collaborated with the Ministry of Oil and Gas, the Royal Oman Police and the Public Authority for Civil Aviation.

Restucci added: “This was a wonderful example of caring and professional teamwork, with people who were determined to ensure the safety and care of many thousands of people who had to be evacuated or who lacked food, water and power supplies.

“I would like to express my utmost pride in, and gratitude to, all those who tirelessly and unselfishly played their part in the successful response to Cyclone Mekunu.”

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