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UAE reveals major unemployment insurance update


The UAE mandatory unemployment insurance has a new major update. Freezone and semi-government entity employees can now subscribe to the job loss scheme. 

In a new announcement, a pop-up on the official portal states “Do you work in semi-government entities or companies registered in a UAE Freezone? You can subscribe now by clicking on subscribe here and proceed to Non-Registered in MoHRE.”

The UAE unemployment insurance scheme came into effect on January 1, 2023 and was made mandatory for employees in the country. However, semi-government entities and Freezone employees were previously exempt. 

The job loss scheme will pay employees 60 percent of their basic salary for up to three months from the date of employment. The scheme caps out at AED 20,000 a month.

Those who do not apply for the unemployment insurance schemes will face fines starting at the end of the grace period on June 30. 

Prices for unemployment insurance range from AED5 to AED10 per month, and are available from a select group of insurance agencies