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UAE reveals major change to work permits


The UAE has made a major change to the duration of work permits in the country.

Following recommendations from a Federal National Council committee the active duration of work permits in the country will be extended to three years.

It is illegal to work in the UAE without a valid work permit.

UAE work permits

Before the FNC approval UAE work permits were issued for two years.

The FNC has approved the extension due to the costs involved in applying for and issuance of work permits.

The essential documents are required for workers in the country and are supplied by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE).

The recommendation to extend UAE work permits from two to three years was made by the FNC Committee on Financial, Economic and Industrial Affairs.

Furthermore, the committee has put forward a suggestion to waive work permit fees in the instance of an employee changing jobs.

Another significant change for workers in the United Arab Emirates was the FNC-approved proposal that an employee must spend a minimum of 12 months with an employer following successful completion of a probation period.

This stipulation may be waived if agreed by the employee and employer, according to media reports.