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Top contractors fight for ADNOC’s multimillion Habshan gas contract

EPC giants including NPCC, Petrofac and L&T are in the race for a significant contract for ADNOC’s Habshan 5 new compression facility, according to data from DMS Projects.

ADNOC Gas Processing is currently evaluating technical and commercial bids for the main tender of the project, with a decision expected within weeks. The EPC contract is estimated to be worth $700 million.

The processing facility is expected to further boost the UAE’s gas production.

ADNOC’s gas unit continues to capitalise on growing global demand for natural gas, as the company grows its export business. ADNOC gas delivered the first-ever LNG cargo to be shipped to Germany from the Middle East in February.

ADNOC Gas also signed a three-year agreement with TotalEnergies in May for the export of LNG from 2023 to 2025, cementing the company’s position as a reliable global supplier of natural gas.

“We see long-term structural demand growth for natural gas as a critical fuel in the responsible global energy transition and we are ideally positioned to meet both local and international demand, while further decarbonising our operations in line with the UAE’s Net-Zero 2050 ambition,” said Ahmed Alebri, CEO of ADNOC Gas.

The company has made significant progress on its five-year $14 billion strategic and growth project portfolio, encompassing a range of projects integral to elevating the efficiency of operations and production output.

The key projects include further maximising ethane recovery and monetisation across operations, extending the gas pipeline network by more than 500km to better connect the Northern Emirates and construction of an additional greenfield gas processing facility.

The new facility is expected to add approximately 1.9 billion standard cubic feet per day processing capacity to ADNOC Gas’ processing operations by 2028 – at the earliest.