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Saudi Arabia arrests over 11,500 for residency and labour breaches

Saudi Arabia has arrested more than 11,500 people in the past week as it looks to stop residency, labour and security breaches.

The announcement was made by the Ministry of Interior in a social media post identifying 11,549 arrests between May 4 and May 10.

The Ministry said the arrests were made by multiple security agencies in the Kingdom during the past week.

Saudi residency, labour and security arrests

The arrests included:

  • 6,344 residency violations
  • 3,741 border security rule violations
  • 1,464 labour law violations

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Interior also said 637 people had been arrested attempting to cross borders into the Kingdom. Meanwhile 87 were apprehended while trying to exit the country.

Anybody attempting to aid illegal entry into KSA faces a 15-year jail term and a fine of up to $267,000.

The Kingdom currently has more than 25,128 people facing procedures regarding residency, border security and labour law violations, including:

  • 18,607 referred to their embassies to obtain travel documents
  • 1,376 referred to complete reservations
  • 6,535 deported