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Mending ties? Blinken visits Saudi Crown Prince to discuss economic cooperation


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday on a mission to mend Washington’s relations with Riyadh after years of deepening disagreements on issues ranging from Iran and regional security to oil prices, Reuters reported.

Blinken met with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and they “discussed deepening economic cooperation, especially in the clean energy and technology fields”, according to a State Department readout.

Blinken was also set to meet other top Saudi officials during his time in Riyadh, the capital, and the coastal city of Jeddah, in what will be Washington’s second recent high-level visit.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan traveled to Saudi Arabia on May 7.

The top US diplomat’s visit to the world’s largest oil exporter comes days after Riyadh pledged to further cut oil production, a move likely to add tension to a U.S.-Saudi relationship already strained by the kingdom’s human rights record and disputes over America’s Iran policy.