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IDIF to conduct ‘Underwater Ships Husbandry Port Authority Seminar’ in Dubai

The seminar by IDIF is scheduled to be held at the Jumeirah Creekside Hotel in Dubai on 12 September, which will be attended by industry experts and regulatory authorities

[Representational image of a commercial diver]

The International Diving Industry Forum (IDIF) is conducting for the first time in the MENA region, The Underwater Ships Husbandry Port Authority Seminar. Leading voices from the diving industry will speak about suitable measures and the best operational practices adopted across the world to safeguard divers engaged in underwater ship husbandry activities, at the seminar.

The event is scheduled to be held at the Jumeirah Creekside Hotel in Dubai on 12 September, which will be attended by Anthony Greenwood, Diving Critical Activity Specialist from ExxonMobil. He will be opening the seminar, while other industry experts and regulatory authorities are also confirmed to speak at the event.

Confirmed speakers include Kris Chambers, Global Diving Technical Authority from BP, Jord Lucas, Head of Underwater Operations/Diving & ROV Technical Authority from TotalEnergies, and Darren Brunton, Managing Director at KB Associates will be presenting along with local industry representatives.  

The Underwater Ships Husbandry Port Authority Seminar will also be a platform for the regulatory authorities to hear firsthand from diving industry experts who will be taking the stage. The event is estimated to bring together more than 100 senior decision-makers and thought-leaders from around the world to engage in an intensive debate on current and future diving safety and operations challenges related to ship maintenance and repair.

IDIF noted that the topics under discussion will be the number of fatalities and serious injuries suffered by divers conducting inspections and other underwater ship husbandry; risks involved and the practical dangers of shallow water diving in ports, harbours, and anchorages.

Phil Newsum, executive director of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI).

On the crucial role of safety in conducting underwater ship husbandry, Phil Newsum, Executive Director of the Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI) will be presenting on the topic “Diving Methods and Equipment: Their Risks – Surface Demand vs Scuba”.

ADCI has developed a guidance document “Underwater Ship Husbandry (UWSH) for Ocean-Going Ships” which summarises safety considerations, recommended operational guidelines, and adequate training for the conduct of underwater ship husbandry operations. The goal of the seminar is to ensure that diving industry stakeholders are made aware of the document and that it can be easily referenced when diving operations take place.

ADCI, IMCA, and IOGP have incorporated IDIF

Against the backdrop of the marine contracting industry, Bryan McGlinchy diving manager for the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is set to attend and present on “Diver qualifications and team size/dive platform’’.

The International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) will be represented by key leaders from the Diving Operators Safety Committee – including the Health, Safety, Security and Wells Director of  IOGP Olav Skar, along with numerous leading figures from other international organisations.

IDIF noted that more than 20 Technical Diving Authority representatives of major oil and gas producers, as well as over 100 representatives of diving services providers, are expected at the conference.

IDIF is aiming to develop into the world’s leading forum for the debate on international diving operations policies and practices. It provides a one-of-a-kind platform for an open exchange of opinions, ideas, and solutions on the critical safety issues in the commercial diving industry.

IDIF has been incorporated by three key industry stakeholders – ADCI; IMCA; and IOGP.