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Digital drilling

Oil & Gas Middle East sat down with Miguel Sanchez, vice president, international operations at Nabors, to discuss his firm’s growth in the Middle East

Can you explain Nabors’ relationship and history with the Middle East region?

Nabors® has over 35 years of experience in the Middle East. We began operations in Saudi Arabia and Yemen in 1990. Since 1999, we have worked in countries including Algeria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, Kurdistan, Jordan, and Qatar. Nabors has an extensive and successful history partnering in these regions to meet their drilling needs. With a focus on hiring and retention in the areas in which we work, most of our senior rig crew are local nationals. This highly skilled workforce continues to drive new standards for operational excellence. One key highlight in the region is our new build programme with SANAD. This 50/50 joint venture company with Saudi Aramco will put to work 75 rigs over the next 5 years.

What challenges does the Middle East region present that are unique, and how can they be overcome? 

The Middle East region is demanding more technology solutions and local content approach. We are working on both ends to offer the best solution to our customers. We are deploying training simulators to Oman, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. We are prepared to manage challenges such as increases in rig demand, equipment availability and logistical constraints, all of which can be mitigated through effective collaboration.

How has digitalisation transformed Nabors’ product offerings and the way in which drilling activities are executed?

Digitalisation has improved collaboration across all drilling programme stakeholders. Using digital tools gives all our rigs, regardless of where they are in the world, access to subject matter experts, training, support, maintenance, and best-in-class drilling analytics. Digitalisation also enables our customers to benefit from remote operations. Through our cloud-based RigCLOUD® digital operations platform, we can easily connect the rig with the office, a mobile device, or a remote operations centre. Through our proprietary SmartROS™ system we can remotely access the rig to diagnose and troubleshoot issues, deploy code upgrades, and run automated solutions. The SmartROS™ system is being used in Saudi Arabia and has already improved performance. Digitalisation has helped our customers reach new depths in the most challenging environments and minimise their operational risks. Additionally, Rigline Training Services provides industry-leading, accredited training programmes with a blended learning approach to critical drilling skills.

What can we expect from Nabors in the future? 

Nabors will continue its growth in the Middle East, across all our business verticals: from deploying rigs into key markets to partnering  with  other drilling contractors, using our technology to benefit their projects. We will continue to be active in key exhibitions and customer events as well. Nabors has the best portfolio in the industry, and we plan to capitalise on it. Nabors continues to invest in developing solutions based on feedback received from our customers. These solutions are usually tested first in the United States before bringing them to the Middle East. 

How has Covid-19 impacted the way in which you prepare for the future, are you building more resilience into supply chains to prevent disruption?

Agility is important for any company, but when you operate globally, building resilience into your supply chain is critical. Keeping operations running seamlessly during a global pandemic meant being resourceful. We build longer lead times into our business plans to account for potential lockdowns through aggressive forecasting and demand planning. Engineering may get called upon to redesign components that are easier to source, or we may turn to alternative suppliers. We might have to borrow components from idle rigs to keep working rigs running smoothly, and certainly anticipating how a city in lockdown may affect getting rig components to and from locations and quickly divert shipments to avoid downtime. Agility helps us maintain our competitive advantage.