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Bechtel-lead coalition awarded decarbonisation contract

The feasibility study will assess options for total routine flaring recovery to the existing flare and compression systems at the ELNG facility

Egyptian LNG has awarded a decarbonisation feasibility study contract to a Bechtel-led coalition that includes Enppi, Petrojet, Baker Hughes, GE Digital, HSBC and NBE. The study will assess implementation of a zero-flaring system at the Egyptian LNG export terminal (ELNG) in Idku, east of Alexandria.

The contract was signed at the ongoing COP 27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

The feasibility study will assess options for total routine flaring recovery through modifications to the existing flare and compression systems at the ELNG facility, reducing methane emissions from this strategic regional facility.

The project is part of a wider program between the coalition and the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources aiming to decarbonise existing oil and gas facilities across the country and deliver on Egypt’s climate change strategy. 

The feasibility study will be executed on a fast-track basis aiming to move into the FEED phase by early 2023.