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US recognises Libyan rebels, offers training

US recognition masks differences in policy between NATO members

US recognises Libyan rebels, offers training
US recognises Libyan rebels, offers training

The United States formally recognised the Libyan rebel National Tranisitional Council (NTC) on Friday.

According to a Reuters report, NTC Vice Chairman Mr. Abdul Hafeedh Ghoga commented: “Recognition of the NTC as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people once more highlights US dedication to helping others achieve these most basic and important human rights.”

The news was followed by reports by Al Jazeera that US and Egypt have been arming and training rebel fighters. Recent New York Times reports have emphasised the ersatz nature of the rebel fighting force, comprised largely of men with no fighting experience who have not been above looting towns as they take them from Gaddafi’s army.

Mixed messages are now emanating from NATO partners on how to end the Libyan conflict. Italy and France have recently urged the rebels to seek a political settlement with Gaddafi, with the French Foreign Ministry admitting it is in direct contact with Tripoli. Britain and the US sticking to proving support to the rebels and emphasising the illegitimacy of the Gaddafi regime.

US intelligence has stated that Gaddafi will run out of petrol in August, a conclusions lent support by the regime’s desperate edicts that international oil companies resume production and it’s subsequent cancellation of it’s 61 year relationship with Eni.

Rebels remain poised to take the key oil town of Brega, with a small group launching an exploratory raid on Friday night, according to the London Guardian.

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