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Offshore Inspection course well-recieved

Reflex Marine holds marine worker transfer course in Aberdeen

Offshore Inspection course well-recieved
Offshore Inspection course well-recieved

 Reflex Marine’s inspection and maintenance training courses on how to correctly inspect and maintain their FROG marine personnel transfer devices are proving popular.

A three-day training course was held by the company in Aberdeen recently, and another is planned to be held in the Far East in October. The success of the three-day event follows the launch of the training courses in Aberdeen at the beginning of this year.

A total of 10 external delegates from as far afield as Azerbaijan, Singapore, Dubai, Nigeria and Denmark attended the three-day event in Aberdeen. Delegates included oil and gas operators, windfarm construction companies, crane operators and service companies.

The aim of the course was to train service technicians how to inspect and maintain the three-man, six-man and nine-man versions of the FROG transfer device according to the recommendations of Reflex Marine. The course included a review of the design background of each model, legislation, competence, critical parts inspection, checklists, best practice, a hands-on rebuild of each transfer device and a multiple choice test.

Alongside the training programme, the company is in the process of establishing a worldwide network of formally accredited service centres, where technicians, certified by Reflex Marine, will be able to ensure a uniform high quality and standard of servicing.

David Brittan, Reflex Marine’s Operations director, said: “The FROG is now used in every major oil and gas region in the world. It is recognised as the industry benchmark for the safe transfer of personnel.

“The training courses are growing in popularity as more and more companies recognise the need to inspect and maintain their transfer devices properly, thus maintaining the working integrity over the whole field life expected of each FROG.Everyone who attended the three-day event in Aberdeen gave excellent feedback. They particularly appreciated being able to break the devices down so they could understand fully how they worked.

“Everybody learned something new, including the Reflex Marine personnel who gained valuable feedback from the users on hints and tips on how they deploy the FROG in the field.”

Staff Writer

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