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Manjoon oilfield to produce 175,000boepd in 2012

Iraq oilfield expected to be at top capacity in two years time

Iraq’s Manjoon oilfield is expected to produce 175,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day when commercial production begins in 2012, Reuters has reported.

Mounir Bouaziz, Shell vice president, new business for the Middle East and North Africa, told Reuters at an industry event that the field is currently pumping at 45,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.

Shell and Petronas won the rights to the Manjoon field, which is one of the world’s biggest, last year and the final contract was signed by the two companies earlier this year.

The development contract runs for 20 years and is one of a number Iraq is expected to complete in the coming weeks.

The oilfield, based in southern Iraq is said to have a capacity of 12.6 billion barrels of oil.

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